Join the Pledge

Our companies feast at the Open Source table year after year. Through the Open Source Pledge, we pay the maintainers of the software we consume. This prevents the maintainer burnout that flares up in high-profile security incidents such as XZ, Log4j, and Heartbleed.

How to Join


1. Pay $2,000 per full-time equivalent developer on staff

to any Open Source maintainers or foundations of your choice, and commit to doing so in future years. The projects you're donating to should meet the Open Source Definition. Of course, this includes any existing donations you've made this year. If you need help figuring out which projects you depend on, you can use a tool like

2. Publish a blog post

or equivalent on your company website, detailing the contributions your company has made to the Open Source ecosystem the past year. This post does not need to be long or exhaustive. If in doubt, check out sample posts by Sentry or Astral. Ideally, this post would include an itemized list of how much was paid to each maintainer/foundation. When this is undesirable or unrealistic, we ask that you make a best effort. To more conveniently get an itemized list, consider using the Open Source Pledge GitHub Reporter, or

3. Create a short JSON file with your company and donation info,

and host it at any URL you wish. Update it at least once per calendar year — we'll fetch it regularly.

Want to do things by hand? Check out an example JSON report or the full schema.

Want us to create your JSON file for you? Fill in this form:

JSON Creation Form

Please make sure this is a valid URL.
Please make sure this is a valid URL.

Here's your JSON:


4. Create a pull request to add yourself to the member list

by changing members.csv. The format is company-slug,json-url. Please note that there should be no space in the company slug.

5. Include links to your high-resolution logo,

and optionally any other branding materials, in the pull request so that we can promote you! For those pledging before September 24, this means you'll have a chance to be included in our major outdoor advertising campaign, subject to available space and depending on how many pledges we get.

Once that's all done, you'll officially be a member. This means that your company and reports will show up on our website, and you'll be entitled to use the Open Source Pledge Member logo on your website and marketing materials if you wish. Thank you so much for joining us in contributing to a healthy Open Source ecosystem that supports maintainers.

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue, and the relevant member of our team will get back to you.